

Elsevier, Computers & Security, Volume 64

S. Muller, C. Harpes, Y. L. Traon, S. Gombault and J.-M. Bonnin, ‘Efficiently computing the likelihoods of cyclically interdependent risk scenarios’, Computers & Security, vol. 64, pp. 59–68, 2017, ISSN: 0167-DOI: [Online]. Available:

Liens : Publication

Conférence internationale sur ATENA chez CREOS et SWDE

Du 26 au 28 septembre, les partenaires du projet ATENA se sont rencontrés au centre de contrôle de CREOS au Luxembourg, ainsi que dans les locaux de SWDE en Belgique pour discuter du déroulement du projet.

Liens : Communiqué de presse

CRITIS 2016 – 11th International conference

S. Muller, C. Harpes, Y. Le Traon, S. Gombault, J.-M. Bonnin and P. Hoffmann, ‘Dynamic risk analyses and dependency-aware rootcause model for critical infrastructures’, in Critical Information Infrastructures

Security: 11th International Conference, CRITIS 2016, Paris, France, October 10–12, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, G. Havarneanu,

R. Setola, H. Nassopoulos and S. Wolthusen, Eds. Cham: Springer 146 Bibliography International Publishing, 2017, pp. 163–175, ISBN: 978-3-319-71368-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-71368-7_14. [Online].

Liens : Publication


Information Security Maturity as an Integral Part of ISMS based Risk Management Tools,
Ben Fetler, Carlo Harpes,
24 au 28 Juillet 2016, the tenth international conference on emerging security information, systems and technologies – SECURWARE 2016, Nice, France

Links: Article

GraMSec 2016

Gadyatskaya O., Harpes C., Mauw S., Muller C., Muller S.
(2016) Bridging Two Worlds: Reconciling Practical Risk Assessment Methodologies with Theory of Attack Trees.
In: Kordy B., Ekstedt M., Kim D. (eds) Graphical Models for Security.
GraMSec 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9987. Springer, Cham.

Liens : Publication: GHMMM16

ADaCoR Workshop 2016

Steve Muller, ‘Risk monitoring in industrial control systems’, in Advanced Data Collection and Risks (ADaCoR) Workshop 2016, 2016.

SASSI Workshop 2015

B. Fetler and S. Muller, ‘Dynamic risk analysis’, in Security Assessment for Systems, Services, and Infrastructures (SASSI) Workshop 2015, 2015.

IEEE Transactions on Computers

"Automated Model-Based Testing of Role-Based Access Control Using Predicate/Transition Nets"
Dianxiang Xu, Michael Kent, Lijo Thomas, Tejeddine Mouelhi, et Yves Le Traon
IEEE Transactions on Computers PrePrint, no. 1, pp. 1, doi:10.1109/TC.2014.2375189

Liens : Article

Lëtzebuerger Gemengen Mars 2015

"Un nouveau regard en matière d'analyse de risques",
Dr. Carlo Harpes,
10 mars 2015, Lëtzebuerger Gemengen (LG) Hors-série ICT

Liens : Article


A Toolchain for Model-Based Design and Testing of Access Control Systems,
Said Daoudagh, Donia El Kateb, Francesca Lonetti, Eda Marchetti et Tejeddine Mouelhi,
9-11 Février 2015, 3rd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2015), Angers, France

Links: Article
