

Publication de Open TRICK comme outil open source

itrust consulting a publié la version de TRICK service en open source et a ajouté à la liste des produits.

OpenTrick est une application qui soutient l’évaluation et le traitement des risques.

OpenTRICK (anciennement appelé TRICK Service) est un outil de gestion de risques complet, aidant à évaluer les risques et à planifier des actions, comme l’éxige la norme ISO/IE 27001 concernant le Système de Management de la Sécurité de l’Information (SMSI). Il vous accompagne tout au long du processus de gestion des risques, depuis la definition du context de risques, en passant par l’estimation et le traitement des risques, jusqu’à la communication des résultats. OpenTRICK vous prepare à optenir la certification ISO 27001, à respecter les exigences du RGPD, à exporter les informations sur les risques au format JSON demandé par le régulateur luxembourgeois ILR ou à répondre à la circulaire de la CSSF 12/544.

Il couvre une grande variété de fonctionnalités tells que l’analyse quantative et qualitative des scenarios de risques, l’éstimation du retour sur investissement en matière de securité (ROSI) basée sur les facteurs de reduction des risques (RRF), l’intégration de catalogues personnalisés ou prédéfinis pour les contrôles de sécurité évalués, le support multi-utilisateurs et le contrôle d’accès, l’import/export et la gestion des versions. Il permet à plusieurs évaluations des risques pour différents clients ou contextes de partager des informations telles que les paramètres de sécurité et de risque sur une base de connaissances centrale, ce qui explique son nom TRICK = Tool for Risk management of an ISMS based on a Central Knowledge base (outil de gestion des risques d'un système de management de l'information sur la base d'une base de connaissances centrale). Notez que de telles informations, par exemple ISO/IEC 27002, sont protégées par des droits d'auteur, c'est-à-dire qu'elles ne peuvent pas faire partie de cette version, mais elles peuvent être importées facilement, sur la base de documents formatés disponibles sur (par exemple) après l'acquisition des droits d'auteur de la norme (dans un avenir proche).

OpenTRICK comprend la gestion de l'accès des utilisateurs, les journaux d'activité, l'authentification à deux facteurs et une fonction d'entrée et de sortie intelligente interagissant avec Word et Excel.


Publication of Trick2MonarcApi | CS-GRAM open source tools

Open source Java API for MONARC (Optimised Risk Analysis Method), which allows risk information from other sophisticated risk management tools such as TRICK Service (Tool for Risk management of an ISMS based on a Central Knowledge base) to be imported by facilitating changes to the MONARC JSON data file. The tool has been developed to migrate risk information from several organisations within the scope of NIS into the data format required by the NIS regulator in Luxembourg.

This project conforms to MONARC version 2.12.7. This API reads a JSON data file exported from MONARC and gathers information by interpreting a subset of such a file and creating Java objects from the elements it can interpret from the exported JSON data file.
Furthermore, after the Java objects have been processed by this API, it can export a JSON file compliant with MONARC version 2.12.7.

The tool has been released as open source as part of the CyFORT project initiative, making its main features available for use and inviting further contributions.

Link to Trick2MonarcApi on GitHub - itrust consulting

Link to itrust Abstractions Lab

Publication of DRAW | CS-GRAM open source tools

The DRAW is an open source tool from itrust consulting and is used to graphically represent assets and their corresponding dependencies. The assets are represented as nodes in the graph and the dependency is represented as an edge from one asset to another. The asset carries information about the name of the asset and its type, e.g. the asset can be a financial asset, a business process, etc. The edge carries the dependency information and also the probability information. Probability implies the chances that one asset will affect the other asset.

The depiction of asset dependencies allows users to graphically see the impact of an asset on other assets. For example, if there is an edge between server and server data, this means that a problem with the server could cause a problem with the server data.

The dependency graph created by DRAW can also be synchronised with TRICK Service risk analysis tool by itrust consulting, enabling the user to perform more effective risk analysis based on asset dependencies and probability propagation associated with edges.

As of version v2.0.5, the tool also supports the Excel format for importing and exporting dependencies to the DRAW whiteboard.

The tool has been released as open source as part of the CyFORT project initiative, making its main features available for use and inviting further contributions.

Link to DRAW on GitHub - itrust consulting

Link to itrust Abstractions Lab

Publication of OpenARIANA | CS-GRAM open source tools

OpenARIANA has been developed to address the repetitive task of creating policies, particularly Information Security Management System (ISMS) policies. These documents often consist of standardised text that needs to be tailored to individual customer requirements. By tightly integrating with Microsoft Word, OpenARIANA streamlines the process of creating and customising documents in a professional environment. It provides a user-friendly interface that increases productivity and reduces manual effort, making the process of adapting standardised policies to specific customer needs both efficient and reliable.

The tool has been released as open source as part of the CyFORT project initiative, making its main features available for use and inviting further contributions.

Link to OpenARIANA on GitHub - itrust consulting

Link to itrust Abstractions Lab

Publication of ARIANA | CS-GRAM open source tools

The ARIANA tool, short for "Assistance for Reporting on Information system Audits with Normative Assessment", is designed as an add-on to Microsoft Word and Excel applications and provides a simple and reliable process for creating policies, creating or updating audit reports, managing Excel- and Word-based records of processing activities compliant with GDPR, and providing additional Word and Excel utilities useful to consultants in their day-to-day work.

The tool was developed by itrust consulting as a VBA application to provide standardised documentation in the ATENA project. The tool has been released as open source as part of the CyFORT project initiative, making its main features available for use and inviting further contributions.

Link to ARIANA on GitHub - itrust consulting

Link to itrust Abstractions Lab

Publication of C5-DEC CAD

C5-DEC, short for "Common Criteria for Cybersecurity, Cryptography, Clouds – Design, Evaluation and Certification", is a sub-project of the CyFORT project, which in turn stands for "Cloud Cybersecurity Fortress of Open Resources and Tools for Resilience".


C5-DEC CAD, the software component of C5-DEC, is a suite of tools for computer-aided design and development (CAD), mainly dealing with: the creation and evaluation of secure IT systems according to the Common Criteria standards, secure software development life cycle (SSDLC), and what we refer to as cyber-physical system security assessment (CPSSA).

This repository contains the source code and full documentation (requirements, technical specifications, user manual, test case specifications and test reports) of C5-DEC CAD, exemplifying the C5-DEC method, which relies on storing, interlinking and processing all software development life cycle (SDLC) artifacts in a unified manner.

Link to itrust Abstractions Lab

International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2020)

Vazquez Sandoval I., Atashpendar A., Lenzini G., Ryan P.Y.A. (2021) PakeMail: Authentication and Key Management in Decentralized Secure Email and Messaging via PAKE. In: Obaidat M.S., Ben-Othman J. (eds) E-Business and Telecommunications. ICETE 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1484. Springer, Cham.

Liens : Publication

Search-based test and improvement of machine-learning-based anomaly detection systems.

Maxime Cordy, Steve Muller, Mike Papadakis, and Yves Le Traon 2019. Search-based test and improvement of machine-learning-based anomaly detection systems. Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 158–168.

Liens : Publication

From Information Theory Puzzles in Deletion Channels to Deniability in Quantum Cryptography

Arash Atashpendar, From Information Theory Puzzles in Deletion Channels to Deniability in Quantum Cryptography Doctoral thesis, University of Luxembourg, 2019.

Liens : Publication

Elsevier, Computers & Security, Volume 76

Steve Muller, Jean Lancrenon, Carlo Harpes, Yves Le Traon, Sylvain Gombault, Jean-Marie Bonnin A training-resistant anomaly detection system

Liens : Publication Article
