
ADaCoR (Advanced Data Collection and Risks) Industry Workshop

uni.lu 4 rue Alphonse Weicker, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Workshop description ADaCoR promotes technical achievements in the field of data collection for security applications. The 3-day workshop first provides keynotes or tutorials and presents results of current research projects. It then seeks to present uses case of experiences by industrial stakeholders. To foster dialogue between research and industry organisations, each day ends with a long moderated panel discussion between all speakers and the audience on current issues and solutions. Each day is dedicated to a specific topic: Day 1 addresses data collection for security incident and risk management. Collection of both social and technical data is covered, which is followed by the techniques and tools to share data. Based on the data that is collected, we present techniques for attack generation and security assessment. We will cover risk assessment tools like MONARC and TRICK Service and techniques such as Attack-Defence trees, ROSI, etc. Day 2 addresses data collection for Internet of Things. The day starts by presenting the concepts of Everything as a Service, the research project bIoTope, and issues on Big Data. Data can be used for modelling, analysis or for the development of IoT applications. At the optimisation level, data is also used for integration, as well as for security purposes. Concrete applications of the use of data are presented, such as smart home management and smartmeters. Day 3 addresses data protection aspects of data collection. Data protection shall be considered since the design stage of applications. We consider the new regulations on data protection and their impacts. We explain and illustrate the concept of "Privacy by design". We also address the certification of applications making use of private data. The presentations during the second half of the day will be in French language. Sponsors FP7-TREsPASS, H2020-bIoTope, University of Luxembourg, itrust consulting General Chair Miguel Martins, itrust consulting Committee Carlo Harpes, itrust consulting François Thill, Luxembourg Ministry of Economy Georges Wantz, CNPD - Luxembourg National Commission for Data Protection Sjouke Mauw, University of Luxembourg Sylvain Kubler, University of Luxembourg Registration Price: Free of charge. The registration includes free: access to workshop sessions lunch with drinks coffee breaks participation to the ADaCoR mini-lottery at the end of each day Topic - Technical Chair Day 1 (April 19th): Data collection for security incident and risk management - François Thill, Luxembourg Ministry of Economy Day 2 (April 20th): Data collection for Internet of Things - Sylvain Kubler, University of Luxembourg... Read more »

10-year anniversary of itrust consulting

LALUX Assurances 9 Rue Jean Fischbach, Leudelange, Luxembourg

10-year anniversary of itrust consulting 10-year anniversary of itrust consulting 10-year anniversary of itrust consulting To confirm your invitation to the 10th anniversary of itrust consulting on June 21st, please fill out the registration form below:

ATENA H2020 Workshop

Maison des Arts et des Étudiants (MAE) 6, avenue de la Fonte, Esch-zur-Alzette, Luxembourg

A new cybersecurity for interdependent Critical InfrastructuresUnder the patronage of the Minister of the Economy and Foreign Trade Étienne SchneiderTargeted at managers willing to use innovative cybersecurity techniques to protect their critical assets, mainly critical infrastructure such as electricity, gas, water distribution system or transport systems, but also other critical ICT systems.Agenda (reduced):09:00 – 09:30 Welcome and Registration09:30 – 11:00 Security of the Grid and the ATENA Approach11:15 – 13:00 ATENA innovations: the theoretical approach14:00 – 15:30 ATENA innovations: the practical approach15:30 – 16:30 Panel Discussion17:00 – 21:30 Cybersecurity week

15-year anniversary of itrust consulting

Grand Auditorium of LaLux Assurances 9 Rue Jean Fischbach, Leudelange, Luxembourg

 The agenda is as follows: 14:00-14:30: Registration and coffee 14:30-17:30: Technical workshop on activities in Research, Development and Innovation CyFORT on Open Source Tools for Cybersecurity Eagle-1 on Satellite-based quantum key distribution 17:30: Arrival of further guests, Aperitif 18:30: Keynote speeches, news and music 20:00: Walking dinner Here you can find the official invitation with the detailed programme. Abstract for the Keynote by Prof. Dr. Peter Y.A. Ryan. With the click on the ‘Register to the event’ link hereafter, you provide your consent that the website utilizes the tool 'reCAPTCHA' (provided by Google). Register to the event

Training: Cyber Security for CEOs – In preparation for NIS2 compliance management

itrust consulting offices 55, rue Gabriel Lippmann, Niederanven, Luxembourg

The agenda is as follows: 08:45 - 09:00: Registration and coffee   09:00 - 10:00: Standards overview ISO 27000, ISO 27002   10:00 - 11:00: ISO 27001 Management systems   11:00 - 12:00: Risk management: theory and practice ISO 31000, 27005…    - 12:00 - 13:30: Networking lunch - 13:30 - 14:30: Cybersecurity standard ISO 27100, ...,27110    14:30 - 16:30: Incident handling, CSIRT sharing, forensics   Here you can find the official invitation with the detailed programme. Click here to register to the event