Dr Carlo Harpes, Managing Director and founder of itrust consulting awarded with the ‘National Standards Delegate’ trophy

Posted October 2019 by & filed under News.

On 11 October 2019, ILNAS, in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg (Uni.lu), organized an information session to celebrate the 50th World Standardization Day.

This event provided participants with an overview of the normative developments carried out within the framework of the national normative strategy 2010-2020 and the normative perspectives for the next decade.

The award ceremony for the “National Standards Delegate” trophy was then held. This year, Dr. Jean-Philippe Humbert had the honor of awarding this prize to Dr. Carlo Harpes, Managing Director at itrust consulting Sàrl for his important contribution to technical standardization in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Among other things, he represented Luxembourg in various plenary meetings of European and international organizations, led the creation of Luxembourg commentaries and was editor of normative documents.

Thank you, Europe!

Posted May 2019 by & filed under News.

At the occasion of Europe’s Day, itrust consulting would like to thank the European Union, pointing out that 70 % of recruited employees since its foundation in 2007, are EU citizens, excluding the Luxembourgish citizens.
Over the years itrust consulting has benefited significantly from the European Research & Development programs (FP7, H2020, ESA): itrust’s participation in Liveline, LASP, MICIE, SPARC, CockpitCI, iGoing, TRESsPASS, bIoTope, ATENA was funded with 2 million Euros.
Furthermore, a turnover of more than 4 million Euros came from our consulting services towards European institutions.

Without the European Union, our growth and quality of service would not have been possible.

Happy Europe Day!