Brainstorming at Lycée Ermesinde

Posted December 2015 by & filed under News.

On invitation by the Lycée Ermesinde in Mersch, C. Harpes participated to a brainstorming together with teachers and students, on the evolution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the expectation of the sector toward the school system.

For C. Harpes, the ICT sector offers more opportunities than just programming. The use of ICT and new media should be part of any school subject, particularly languages. Basic concepts like firewalls, geolocation, cloud, software installation, and protection of personal data should already be taught to the youngest pupils at secondary schools, as a large majority of our population uses such technologies without fully understanding them or even roughly knowing the related risks and opportunities.

Finally, the very open discussion highlighted that the essential skill required in this sector is the motivation and perseverance in problem solving. Wrongly considered as a predominantly male occupation, the increasing requirement for excellent communication skills should make this sector equally attractive for female candidates. 2015

Posted October 2015 by & filed under News.

For another consecutive year itrust consulting sponsored and had a speaker at the event. Maxime Morin held the Workshop: Radare2 – a framework for reverse engineering.

SASSI Workshop 2015

Posted September 2015 by & filed under News.

Ben Fetler presented itrust consulting’s tool TRICK Service on the Security Assessment for Systems, Services, and Infrastructures workshop in Berlin, Germany.