Paul Rascagnères, ethical hacker at itrust, presents a technical analysis of the malware, Red October (announced in January by Kaspersky) at the 5HAKACON (archive) in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Posts By: Ingo Senft
Nuit du Hack 2013
Our Pentesters are present at the “Nuit du Hack” in Paris.
Article published
The article Detecting Meaconing Attacks by Analysing the Clock Bias of Gnss Receivers by Daniel Marnach,Sjouke Mauw, Miguel Martins and Carlo Harpes has been published on versita.
State visit at Toulouse
Carlo Harpes, managing director of itrust consulting, participates in the state visit at Toulouse.
itrust, organisation for continuous professional development
itrust has been officially authorised by the Ministry of Medium Classes and Tourism to train personnel and is listed as a professional training entity on INFPC’s portal life-long learning.