ADaCoR Workshop 2016

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Steve Muller, ‘Risk monitoring in industrial control systems’, in Advanced Data Collection and Risks (ADaCoR) Workshop 2016, 2016.


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bIoTope (Building an IoT OPen innovation Ecosystem for connected smart objects) is a RIA (Research and Innovation Action) project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme. It is the response to the Call “ICT30: Internet of Things and Platforms for Connected Smart Objects”. bIoTope lays the foundation for open innovation ecosystems, where companies can – with minimal investment – innovate by creating new Systems-of-Systems (SoS) platforms for connected smart objects. To achieve this goal, bIoTope provides the necessary standardised Open APIs to enable the publication, consumption and composition of heterogeneous information sources and services from across various platforms, including FI-WARE, OpenIoT, city dashboards, etc. (visit the OBJECTIVES web page). This will foster new forms of co-creation of services ranging from simple data collection, processing, to context-driven, intelligent and self-adaptive support of consumers’ everyday work and life. bIoTope also establishes a governance roadmap for ecosystem orchestration to properly maintain, grow and sustain the socio-technical and business-wise bIoTope ecosystem.

Kick-off meeting of bIoTope

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Carlo Harpes, managing director of itrust consulting, assisted to the kick-off meeting of bIoTope, an EU funded H2020 project. itrust consulting is involved to specify and develop security services for the Internet of Things (IoT), together with the University of Luxembourg and other partners. In particular, itrust consulting will support SmartCity and SmartHome pilots in Brussel, Lyon and Helsinki. Links: More information on Our Press release Press release on LG Press release on Paperjam