Posts By: Ingo Senft
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 ‘IT Security techniques’
From 20 to 24 November 2017, Dr Carlo Harpes participated in the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 ‘IT Security techniques’ subcommittee meeting in Berlin.
itrust consulting continues its sponsoring strategy for information security
This year, itrust consulting continued its sponsorship for HACK.LU 2017 (17/10 to 19/10) and BSides Luxembourg 2017 (20/10), where our IT Security expert Rémi Chipaux presented his project ‘malware hunting chatbot’ in Europe.
Towards real-time risk monitoring
On 17th October 2017, Lëtzebuerger Gemengen published an interview with Dr Carlo Harpes, founder and Managing Director of itrust consulting.Risk analysis is a central approach in the cybersecurity environment; this is why itrust consulting has developed, in partnership with Luxmetering G.I.E., a real-time risk monitoring tool, that represents a technological evolution of its TRICK Service tool. Carlo Harpes, founder and Managing Director of itrust consulting, explains us the result of this three-year collaboration and the benefits of this new tool for companies.This tool is the result of a cooperation with Luxmetering G.I.E., Creos Luxembourg S.A., and and was co-funded by the Ministry of the Economy within the project ‘Smart Grid Luxembourg – Cockpit’.Read the complete interview by clicking the button ‘News article’ bellow.
itrust consulting represented at the DEF CON Hacking Conference in Las Vegas
IT Security consultant Rémi Chipaux participated at the 25th anniversary DEF CON Hacking Conference in Las Vegas (July 30 to August 2, 2017) and presented his project ‘malware hunting chatbot’ in the USA.