
Archive: News

Galileo Application Days

itrust consulting and its partners were present at the Galileo Application Days to present the Liveline project, financed by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme. The objective of Liveline project is to develop a commercial, secure location sharing service based on EGNOS/EDAS for vulnerable people. For more information, visit:

  • Official website of Liveline project
  • European GNSS Supervisory Authority

First training

itrust made the first training on Common Criteria (or ISO 15408) in Luxembourg. The training was made by Dr B. Krüger, Head of the Common Criteria Evaluation Facility of SRC GmbH and Secretary of ISO/JTC1/SC27/WG3, author of ISO 15408. There were nine participants, including itrust’s personnel as they apply Common Criteria in four different projects including the Celtic Bugyo Beyond.

itrust consulting launches its Training Centre in Foetz

itrust consulting launches its Training Centre in Foetz

itrust consulting wishes you a safe and secure year 2010

Happy New Year 2010
Happy new year
itrust consulting has preferred to send its best wishes by email or web server rather than in paper form and to give up New Year presents. As last year, itrust used the corresponding budget to support two development projects through the following ONGs:

  • Fondation Follereau Luxembourg
  • Amicale International d’Aide à l’Enfance


ENC-GNSS 2009 event on Naples - presentation of C. Harpes on Secure Localisation with LAP

