itrust consulting participates in the Nuit du Hack 2014.
Guillaume Schaff from itrust consulting participates in the ICCGI 2014 conference that takes place from the 22 to the 26 June 2014 in Sevilla (Spain) in order to promote our article RISK-DET: ICT Security Awareness Aspect Combining Education and Cognitive Sciences. Guillaume is designated as Session Chairman of the CCGI4 "Knowledge data systems" session, and as member of the jury that choses the best scientific article presented at the conference.
Dr Carlo Harpes, General Director of itrust consulting, presents Forensics and preventing anti-forensics on data leakage with/without cloud services at the iT Days 2014 at the Hotel Royal in Luxembourg city.
itrust consulting organises the third workshop for the European project CockpitCI on March 10 at CREOS's dispatching center, where all project partners participate and present their work of the last months. The press release can be found in the links below. Thes are the speeches of the workshop participants:
Matthieu Aubigny, Head of itrust's R&D department, participates at the final workshop of the SPARC project with his presentation Improving the regulation framework for CIP to face space and cyber threats.