
Archive: News 2015

For another consecutive year itrust consulting sponsored and had a speaker at the event. Maxime Morin held the Workshop: Radare2 - a framework for reverse engineering.

Article in Lëtzebuerger Gemengen (LG)

"The cyber security in Luxembourg and the new law on electronic archiving" addressed in Lëtzebuerger Gemengen's September edition.

SASSI Workshop 2015

Ben Fetler presented itrust consulting's tool TRICK Service on the Security Assessment for Systems, Services, and Infrastructures workshop in Berlin, Germany.

BSIdes Las Vegas and ISSA South Africa

Maxime Morin presents an Open-source Reverse Engineering tool: Radare2 at BSIdes Las Vegas 2015 and ISSA 2015:14th International Information Security for South Africa Conference.

Cyber Security – from an operational to a strategic issue

Carlo Harpes presents lessons learned on research and innovation in security at a cyber security seminar in Luxembourg.

