B. Fetler and S. Muller, ‘Dynamic risk analysis’, in Security Assessment for Systems, Services, and Infrastructures (SASSI) Workshop 2015, 2015.
"Automated Model-Based Testing of Role-Based Access Control Using Predicate/Transition Nets"
Dianxiang Xu, Michael Kent, Lijo Thomas, Tejeddine Mouelhi, and Yves Le Traon
IEEE Transactions on Computers PrePrint, no. 1, pp. 1, doi:10.1109/TC.2014.2375189
"Un nouveau regard en matière d'analyse de risques",
Dr. Carlo Harpes,
10 march 2015, Lëtzebuerger Gemengen (LG) Hors-série ICT
A Toolchain for Model-Based Design and Testing of Access Control Systems,
Said Daoudagh, Donia El Kateb, Francesca Lonetti, Eda Marchetti and Tejeddine Mouelhi,
9-11 February 2015, 3rd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2015), Angers, France