
Archive: News - July 2013

Yacht forced to change route

A group of researchers from an American university recently managed to divert a vessel's cours by spoofing its GPS data. They wanted to show how dangerous spoofing attacks are for any means of transport. (read article)

Hitcon 2013

Paul Rascagnères gives a presentation at the Hitcon in Taiwan.

“Petits malwares entre amis”

An article about legal counter attack difficulties, written by Paul Rascagnères, Pentester at itrust consulting, has been published in the MISC N°65 - Janvier/Février 2013.

“KeyLogger analysis”

An article about keylogger analysing, written by Paul Rascagnères and Julien Maladrie, Pentesters at itrust consulting, has been published  in the MISC N°65 - Janvier/Février 2013.

Article published

The article Location Assurance and Privacy in GNSS Navigation by Xihui Chen, Carlo Harpes, Gabriele Lenzini, Sjouke Mauw and Jun Pang, had been published on ERCIM NEWS online edition "Intelligent Cars".

Links: Publication

